Joseph James Breunig 3rd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Poem: Colored People

Do you realize that races are overrated,
since God is no respecter of persons?
Colored perceptions of hatred and bigotry
may ultimately destroy our existence.

Poem: By His Grace

By His grace, we are wonderfully saved;
know that we shall live… beyond the grave.
Through Salvation's gift, our sins are waived
and upon His palms, our names are engraved.

Poem: Supremacy Of Christ

Behold the first-born of creation,
One to Whom was given all dominion.
He is worthy of our heart-felt praise;
therefore, honor Him, all of your days!

Poem: Inward And Outward Man

Although I don't have a split personality,
it's certainly interesting to see a new way
of looking at myself… in terms of duality.

Poem: Faith To Meet Each Trial

Although I may be weak and weary at times,
You gird my spirit with an inner strength.
When reaching out to You in earnest prayer,
I'll always be within Your arm's length.

Poem: Hearts And Hands

In times of earthly trouble,
placing our heads in our hands,
accomplishes nothing; instead…
we need to lift up our hearts and hands.

Poem: Unfailing Love

O my Lord, it's another beautiful day;
I'm reminded that Your tender mercies,
have been released for my benefit again.
Having placed my trust only in You,

Poem: Divine Possibilities

Although Jehovah can never be contained,
with me, a portion of His presence can remain…
since I've placed an altar to Him in my heart.

Poem: Passover Lamb

Give praise to the Passover Lamb,
the only begotten Son of the Great I Am.

For He willingly humbled Himself

Poem: Christ Is...

People wonder, how can Christ, be all things to everyone?
Without the proper perspective, Truth can be missed.
So carefully consider some ideas presented here,
before these spiritual concepts are mistakenly dismissed.

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