Joseph Skipsey Poems

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The One Solace

I MIGHT have wish's it otherwise;
But yet, poor heart, tho' they were cruel—
Those thunder-clouds above her eyes,
They very much became the jewel!

The Syren

HER harp she takes, from string to string,
Her little snowy fingers, glancing,
Into Night's ear a wild spell fling,
And all the while my heart is dancing.

The Cloud

A CLOUD the valley domes, and down
Yon erewhile sun-lit mountain stealth,
And bit by bit, with one black frown,
The green and gold below concealed.

The Songstress

BACK flies my soul to other years,
When thou that charming lay repeatest,
When smiles were only chased by tears,
Yet sweeter far than smiles the sweetest.

The Bowl

JUST let the Owl of Evil howl;
To mourners of each rank and station, I cry,
Come, troll the Golden Bowl!
And quaff me with a deep potation.

The Right Thing

WHEN Day once stirs, her locks of gold,
Up, seize, ere she is well awaken!
And with her steps thy paces hold,
Till she from Earth her leave hath taken.

The Tower

MY wee, wee fawn, you see me yawn?
Well, I'm not much disposed to flattery;
And were I so, you rogue! you know
You're proof against the fiercest battery.

Too True

TRUTH'S words are oft so very true―
And always when my lips he uses,
His foes, which let us hope, are few,
Declare he but the truth abuses.

Love Without Hope

THEE glory of her charms I felt,
And thro' my frame electric ran
What made my stubborn heart to melt,
And feel as hearts of passion can;

The Stars Are Twinkling

THE stars are twinkling in the sky,
As to the pit I go;
I think not of the sheen on high,
But of the gloom below.

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