Judith Kempis Poems

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Here I Am

Here I am living in a world where no one exist
No one to cry out for help and cry on shoulder;
Here I am walking in a path where no end
Nothing to see, and no one walk beside me;


Fear to loose family, my life would be in misery.
Fear to loose someone I used to talk and play.
Fear to blink my eyes, might disappear the things I see.
fear to talk much, I might slip the word I say.

Child's Face

Look at the child and observe the face
The beautiful smile from God's grace
Her eyes that tells the love in heart's place
Shows joy and happiness with great amaze.

One Night

I sit at the balcon one night
It was dark and no power of light
Only stars and moo that shines bright
Shadows of the trees appeared at my sight.


Teacher! Teacher! please teach me!
Teacher, Teacher, please help me!
Please come and look my work if it's okay
My seatmate is cheating the answers beside me

Rejoice: Bin Laden Is Dead

The world rejoices as Bin Laden is dead
Americans celebrated as they saw his head
Justice has found after 10 years indeed
Poeple feel free and been relieved.

The Place I'Ve Never Seen Before

I have been to a place I never seen before
Silence and peace can hear no more
Trees and landscapes were gone all
Instead of small shops, I found malls.

Though I Am Far Away

Though I am far away, I don't even worry
The comfort, care and love that you have for me
makes our relationship more stronger, which
no one could break it no matter what happens.

Hunger From Parents Love

I cried in the middle of the night
Searching for parents beside my bed
Wanting their hugs and kiss in forehead
Seemed nobody found, went back to bed instead.

Awakening Sensation

I open the window with sweet smile
I saw a guy who i secretely admire
Everyday he makes me inspire
Writing a poem which is full of desire.

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