Karla Glover

Karla Glover Poems

What have I done?

I had it all,
Everything I ever wanted.

I see you, happy
I see how people confuse us for sisters
I see my friends laughing
Not because of what I said anymore,

Looking at this face,
This face that everyone calls beautiful,

You know I've never felt this way before,
Its a feeling that warms me up,
Makes my heart burn.
Its a feeling that I never want to lose.


One word.
One Lie.

Sometimes I just wanna cry.
Sometimes I can't handle it all
Sometimes I just wanna die
To go away from the hurt I feel

Here I am,
Lost, Incomplete
I need someone to save me,
Save me from myself

The Best Poem Of Karla Glover

What Have I Done?

What have I done?

I had it all,
Everything I ever wanted.
Why would I throw that away?
How could I?

I was scared,
Scared of being hurt,
Scared of what people thought.
Scared of the future.
I made a mess of my heart,

While all I was trying to do was save it.
My life is full of mistakes,
I guess I can just put another notch in my heart
With your name.

It's my fault.
And I know I can do nothing to fix it.

What have I done?

Karla Glover Comments

Bryce Baker 20 December 2011

I really enjoyed Mirrors.

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