Kazi Nazrul Islam Poems

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The River Is Anjana

The name of the river is Anjana, on its bank dances Khanjana!
Not a bird but his black eyes dance -
I will not go to Anajna to fetch water anymore
Those dark eyes will not leave me alone

Song Of The Peasant

Arise, O tiller of the soil,
Hold the plough in your iron grip.
Since we are all going to die
Let us die a glorious death.

The More You Elude Me

The more you elude me, oh my lord, the more intense in my
craving for you.
Whenever you hide from me I look for you frantically.
You conceal yourself in variety of colourful guises

What Sweet Wine Is This

Oh Arabian wine-girl what sweet wine is this!
I am fully intoxicated and my eyes get red.
With the wine of faith everyone cries, 'Go on drinking.'

My Songs

My songs like wounded birds, faIl
At thy feet, O darling. Pick up all
Those bleeding birds in your breast
Tenderly and let them meet their eternal rest

Fateha-I-Doazdaham [the Passing Away]

What an amazing sight is this!
Tears well up even is Azrail's eyes!
His stony heart lies in a sea of grief
trembling like a leaf.

Come With Hari

Come back to my dreary heart, do come back;
Evening comes too, where are you my bird,
come back to my nest.

Ever Unafraid

I have received your help, O my Lord,
and so ! am unafraid.
Fear never comes near one
who has God for his friend.

The Eternal Child

O the nameless eternal child
you have come across unknown lands,

Robbers And Dacoits

Who calls you a dacoit, friend,
Who calls you a robber?
All around dacoits reign today,
And thieves prosper.

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