Kenn Nesbitt Poems

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The Marvelous Homework And Housework Machine

Attention all students! Attention all kids!
Hold onto your horses! Hold onto your lids!
We have just exactly the thing that you need
whenever you've way too much homework to read.

Benjamin Plays Bass Guitar

Benjamin plays bass guitar
completely out of tune.
Sarah sings while sucking from

My Computer Ate My Homework

My computer ate my homework.
Yes, it's troublesome, but true.
Though it didn't gnaw or nibble
and it didn't chomp or chew.

Autumn Is The Time Of Year

Autumn is the time of year
when changes start to happen here.
The days grow short. It's cold outside.

Hello, My Name is Madison

Hello, my name is Madison.
I live on Lincoln Street.
I'm in the state of Washington.
I think that's pretty neat.

The Weather Is Perfect for Running

The weather is perfect for running.
I think that I'll go for a jog.
Except I'm a little bit tired,

Swimming Ool

Swimming in the swimming pool
is where I like to 'B,'
wearing underwater goggles
so that I can 'C.'

State Capitals

Our homework assignment was simply to write down
the capitals for every state.
I thought I was doing just great.

My Pig Won't Let Me Watch TV

My pig won't let me watch TV.
It's totally unfair.
He watches anything he wants
but doesn't ever share.

My Sister Thinks She's Santa Claus

My sister thinks she's Santa Claus.
It's really kind of cute.
She likes to shout out 'Ho, Ho, Ho!'
and wears a bright red suit.

She carries lots of toys around
inside a great big sack
and keeps her eight pet reindeer
with her sleigh out in the back.

She even has a workshop
where she makes a lot of noise
directing all the elves who help
by making brand new toys.

Then once a year, on Christmas Eve,
she flies off in her sleigh
delivering her gifts around the world
for Christmas Day.

She'd make a perfect Santa
which is why it's just too bad
my sister can't be Santa Claus;
see, Santa is our dad.

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