khalil bonnymilerson

khalil bonnymilerson Poems

All I want to see is a smile on every face I meet.
I want to accomplish so many things but where do I start from my soul to my heart how does this work, to change the World of who thinks their lives are over and there’s no hope left.

The Best Poem Of khalil bonnymilerson

My Big Plan

All I want to see is a smile on every face I meet.
I want to accomplish so many things but where do I start from my soul to my heart how does this work, to change the World of who thinks their lives are over and there’s no hope left.
No matter what the people think or say
I won’t let their opinion get in my way
I will not stop or take a break until I see a smile, a change, a reality in all my hard work
I’ll keep going until I fade away Ill make a possible in
Ill makes sure your lives your heart you’re your soul is fill with sure?
Cause I guaranteed you the absolute of my best theirs nothing impossible in MY BIG PLAN.
Don’t give up hope and I want cause keeping a promise is my talent.
So I don’t want your money.
All I need is your support, help, thanks, and smile.
Because ISAIAH (43: 19) say behold I will do a new thing
And that is exactly what I am going to do

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