Kid of Los Angeles Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Home And The Guardians

Drenched in the light of candlewick
Enlightened by the dance of the flames trick.
Surrounded by a supposed reference to womb,
A supposed “home” I assume.

I Shall Go Mad

Drenched in the light of candlewick
Enlightened by the dance of the flames trick.
Surrounded by a supposed reference to womb,
A supposed “home” I assume.

Math Days

Math days
Mind in a slumber
Body peaking to hibernation


Living amongst the webs
crawling, falling, starving for lies.
Truth serves as the venom for certain death,
slowly bleeding soul onto your square inch of pavement.

The Rebellion - The Charge

Now is the time.
Yet time is a sand that flitters through broken fingers.
Weary and ongoing, old man Time ticks lives of seconds.
In duration of these seconds, elders preach to the missionaries.

The Thin Line Between Dark And Light

Deep, dark acidity.
The devil wraps his tongue around those within the true testament.
Heaven and light holds nothing but a beautification of a pit in hell.
The satans tongue drops with such acidity and poison,

School...The Torture

It ruined my life. School.
A torture chamber in the form of a box.
Little ants of different colors scatter about within.
They drag you down like little leaches on the social ladder.

A Butterfly's Loss Of Life.

Why, Why, Why
Why doeseth he look the other way?
Am I strange, hideous dark?
True, True, True.

Complex System Of Love...

Glass has shattered.
Clocks have stopped.
Flowers have unbloomed.
Life has come to a standstill.

The Frightful Visitor.

So unhappy. So lonely.
Such a failure.
Death is a frequent visitor.
Constantly chatting with my thoughts.

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