Kishore Asthana Poems

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For The Fallen Warrior

They are burying
Some officers
Who died in the coup that failed
Some days back

Hair Now Gone Tomorrow

It is neither here not there
But there was a time I had a lot of hair
As it passed, the time I mean
Everywhere my hair was seen

Carpe Diem

Seize the day, for yesterdays are gone
And tomorrows are yet to be
Seize the day, for you are here
Grasp the treasure that you see

Ideas In My Windows

In the windows of my mind
Ideas stand and look out
Wondering if they were to jump
Would they fly?

A Slow Burn When Ignites

A slow burn when ignites
The unseeing blink their eyes
And stirring blast, travels fast
From heart to heart

The Windows Of Kashmir

These were the windows
from which flowers peeped
And smiling faces could be seen
These were the windows of the friendly wave

The Password

When you reach the Beloved’s door
And you want to enter,
Don’t knock or call
For I have been told,

Lament Of A Personnel Manager

I scratch my heads
And staples fall
Dislodging myriad memos
In a confused jumble

My Brother And Me

In the no-time between here and there
Lies my brother alive and not quite so
While we watch through glass panels
who he was

My Snowman

My Snowman
In love with the Sun
Loses itself
Melts and flows

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