Krishaal Morjaria

Krishaal Morjaria Poems

The girl boarded the crowded bus
She walked, Head down, amongst the fuss
She sat on the 'ladies' seat, lowered her sight
But her chin was up, posture upright

The Best Poem Of Krishaal Morjaria

Him, She Couldn'T Beat!

The girl boarded the crowded bus
She walked, Head down, amongst the fuss
She sat on the 'ladies' seat, lowered her sight
But her chin was up, posture upright

For having the 'Reserved' seat so lucky she felt
Just then her keys dropped, she knelt
On getting up, she saw a man staring at her..
But she kept quite, as she'll have to, forever

She kept quite, didn't speak
Because HIM, she couldn't beat..

She alighted from the bus, went into the house..
There she saw her god, her boss, her spouse
She lowered her sight again, started with the dusting
Just then the cloth hit the vase, dropping it, shattering! !

She froze. Her muscles didn't even flex..
Because she knew what was next
Inside she was shaking, shivering, shattering
Then It started, the slapping, beating, violating

She was covered in blood, but she didn't speak
Cause HIM, she couldn't beat

The husband was drunk, she had to flee..
She was far away, but not free..
She new the solace was temporary..
Just then, she entered an alien street

A man stood there, by all means, shady
He looked at his feast for the day, the pretty lady
He called his friends, they tore her clothes off
They violated her, but she kept herself steady

They raped her, over and over, but she didn't speak
Because HIM, she couldn't beat

She couldn't even prove the gruesome crime..
The court asks for 'four male witnesses' present during the time
A background check will be done on her, (not on the men!)
And then in the courtroom, with questions, she'll be raped again

She layed on the ground, beaten, defeated,
Her body was covered in blood..
Her desire to live vanished, she gave up
Now, at last, she's free as a bird! !

She remained silent to her grave, didn't speak
Because THEM, she couldn't beat..

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