Lalleshwari Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Keep Your Mind Intent Upon

Keep your mind intent upon
the path that leads to immortality.
Should it stray from the path,
it will fall into evil ways.

In Life I Sought Neither Wealth Nor Power

In life I sought neither wealth nor power,
Nor ran after the pleasures of sense.
Moderate in food and drink,
I lived a controlled life,

This Counsel To The Body Give, O Soul

This counsel to the body give, O Soul:
Wear only such clothes as ward off cold;
Eat only to satisfy your hunger;

You Will Not Know Peace Of Mind

You will not know peace of mind
if you a kingdom gain,
Nor will you gain content or rest
if you give it away.

He Who Wields The Sword A Kingdom Gains

He who wields the sword a kingdom gains;
Paradise is gained by penance and alms.


What was it you had sown which should have borne a rich harvest?
You had but tanned a carcass hide,
shaped and stretched it taut on pegs,

Now I Saw The Hearth Ablaze

Now I saw the hearth ablaze,
Now I saw not fire nor smoke.
Now I saw the Pandava Mother,
Now she was but a potters' aunt

When Siddhanath Applied Lotion To My Eyes

When Siddhanath applied lotion to my eyes,
the cataracts that covered them dissolved.
I saw an astonishing sight.

With A Rope Of Loose-Spun Thread Am I Towing

With a rope of loose-spun thread am I towing
my boat upon the sea.
Would that God heard my prayer
and brought me safe across!

Playfully, You Hid From Me

Playfully, you hid from me.
All day I looked.

Then I discovered
I was you

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