Lauren Harper

Lauren Harper Poems

The fears I have.
The things I see.
What you do not understand, is that you are only hurting me.
You say you want answer.

Seemingly I am lost,
As if I am a ghost inside.
A piece has been taken,
Leaving my conscious to wonder where it may be.


I refuse to be who you are.
I stand against what you do.
I am no longer a carbon copy of you.

We may look alike.


Come to me dear.
Hurt me one more time.
If you dare to try.

Its like living among another race.
Walking among those that you know.
But in reality there are excessive gaps in between.

A laugh that kills.
A smile that shreds.
The words of death.
The vile heart.

Once it has left,
It can not be returned.
Not one sentence.
Not one word.

My mind is a dark place.
It's sure enough to scare anyone who dares to try and comprehend,
Where my thoughts even begin.
For as I know my thoughts torment my very soul.

You tell me who I am.
But, I must disagree.
For you, do not know one thing.
All you examine is the surface.

Taking my hand,
You lightened my charcoal soul.

Taking my heart,
You mended what was broke.

Bubbles enclose us inside,
Trapping our hearts,
As well as our minds.

Old pictures,
With familiar faces,
That hold empty spaces.

I peal my eyes open,
Only to be put through hell.
While others see that all is well.
What an a illusion.

My head is about to explode,
Soon enough I know.

For what my eyes see,

The piece of you I hold in my hands.
The chain I swore would never leave my neck.
But now that my ties have been severed with you.
I know what I must solemnly do.

Things change.
People come and go.
And sometimes we're left alone.
But that's okay.

Looking at pictures I see happy and carefree faces.
There are girls holding hands and elbows perfectly placed.
I look and I am filled with envy.
I wish one of those girls was me..

Lauren Harper Biography

I'm after what no one else can achieve.)

The Best Poem Of Lauren Harper

I Am Me.

The fears I have.
The things I see.
What you do not understand, is that you are only hurting me.
You say you want answer.
Yet when an answer is given it is not good enough.

I myself can no longer conform like clay to what you need.
I can no longer change myself to what you want to see.
I am broken of your ways.
I tire of these long stress filled days.

You say I am not but a child.
You say that I have no choice to be made.
You tell me that you want what's best for I.
Little do you know, I am withering away inside.

So I beg you please, let me go.
Let me live. let me lean. let me be my own.
Because harm has only been done.
It is not just you who is wavering in this storm.

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