Lauren O Brien

Lauren O Brien Poems


A fleeting emptiness left,
Accomplishment, the greatest success,
Procrastination is what I do best.
Seeping boredom, Seldom I find

I watched your eyes flicker slowly,
Dragging in all they can see.
You pulled me into the azure,
The unknown, the person on the pedastal.

Fading fast,
Light streaked window panes
Daylight melts so purely into black

The Best Poem Of Lauren O Brien


A fleeting emptiness left,
Accomplishment, the greatest success,
Procrastination is what I do best.
Seeping boredom, Seldom I find
What I truely want, Ease of mind,
Guess work, lead and wait
I am all but ever late.
Dismal dreams and wishes of futile crass
Create nothing more than an improbable impassé.

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