louis rams Poems

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Devil At My Door

when she was asleep in her bed
she heard a pounding in her head.
who can be knocking at this ungodly hour?
for in this house, the devil has no power.

Mothers In Heaven

Mothers in heaven

I know you are watching me from a mountaintop
Cause your love will never stop.

Stories Of Hope Series #15 -The Runaway

Stories of hope series #15 - the runaway

She had run away from home and wandered the streets all alone
Fourteen years old with no place to go, while predators

I Forgot To Tell You " I Love You "

I forgot to tell you " I love you "

Iforgot to tell you"I love you "and you died in an accident today
And this pain in my heart will never go away.

Youth Vs, Old Age

Now the voices of youth start to scream
Because old age is finally seen.
You have nineteen years of youth
But from twenty on, it's all gone.

Her Virginity

They made fun of her because of her virginity
And saving herself for her marriage is something
They could not see.
They would say: why save yourself for that day may never come

God Has Tears In His Eyes

God has tears in his eyes

God has tears in his eyes seeing the self destruction of mankind
His Son gave up his life so that we could live!

Young Poets Society

to all the young poets in this worlds society.
as a father and grand father as well.
you have made me as proud as can be.
you take the depths of the ocean-and set peoples lives in motion.

Thread Sofetly

thread softly my love.
thread softly my sweet
for you have made my life complete.

The Ocean Is A Woman

The ocean is a woman

One of the most beautiful sights you can see
Is the ocean as calm as can be.

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