louis rams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Christmas Tiny Feet

don't you hear that beat of little tiny feet
tiny feet running across the floor
tiny feet at your door
to hear the pitter patter of those feet on christmas morn

Holy Name Of Jesus

so many stories that have been told
so many stories that never grow old
born in a manger in bethlehem
born our savior from that begining to the end

The Final Word

while looking up at the stars in the sky
i saw a light flicker by.
i jumped up startled as to what it could be
so i searched the sky very slowly.


the children that the lord takes away
are the cherubs that you see in stores every day.
although it creates an empty feeling in our hearts
and we will question as to' why'.

My Worst Enemy

my worst enemy is within me
an anger trying to be set free
i have hidden it for many a year
because it is full of fear.

The Vision

getting ready to go to bed
a vision came into my head
the vision was quite blurry
so i tried to hurry.

My Short Verse #2

on the job
my position they rob

bring them flowers

'I Am ' Life Series #3

'i am ' heaven
' i am' life at its birth
'i am ' a soft gentle kiss
placed upon your lips.

The Heart Within

the sound of the heart
does it go thump, thump, or pitter patter?
i guess it really does'nt matter.

What Is A Mother

What is a mother? 10/11/07

What is a mother? You ask me!
It is something which is hard to explain.

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