louis rams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Message From Above

Message from above

I saw something so divine, an angel coming down from the sky
Floating down so gracefully and stood alongside of me.

Aretha - The Legend

Louis Rams is celebrating the Queen's birthday.
2 mins ยท

Cannot Live By Bread Alone

Cannot live by bread alone

Man cannot live by bread alone, he needs
A woman of flesh and bone.

In Search Of Love

In search of love

When a partners feelings dies, it is not you
Who should feel the pain or think that you are to blame.

Window Panes

life is full of window panes.
it shows you things lost-and things gained.
it is a camera that takes pictures-of all that you do in this life.
if you're a husband or a wife.

After Election Thoughts

history was made today-in every sense of the way.
they say he did not have the experience of his republican incumbent.
but! to the people a message he had sent.
that it was time for us to take a stand


it seems that 'time'catches up to us quick
we can't fight it or beat it with a stick
so we will accept the fact that we are getting older
and with the age -we're getting bolder.

How Many Tears

how many tears must i shed-before i lay down my head?
how many heartaches must i go through-before i belong to you?
what will it take for you to be mine
must i wait untill the end of time?


happiness is what i seek
happiness makes me weak.
plant the seed so it can grow
and in time it will show


when you see a face or place in your mind
and it takes you back in time.
when you feel that you've been there with
someone with whom to share

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