louis rams Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Messenger

The messenger

He felt GODS presence when he opened his eyes not believing he was still alive
By all rights he should have been dead as he laid in the bed.

Food Line

All of life is just a food line, it's been with us since the beginning of time
Animals kill other animals to stay alive, but humans are a different kind.
We say that we are a civilized society, but how can this be?
When we sell our children into slavery, and using children

Cannot Live By Bread Alone

Cannot live by bread alone

Man cannot live by bread alone, he needs
A woman of flesh and bone.

Troubled World

We are living in a troubled world where compassion has faded away
And more greed has come into play.
We know greed has been around since the beginning of time
And everyone wants to taste the grapes of a good wine.

Golden Years -What A Laugh

The golden years have come at last, my youthful
Life is in the past.
In the golden years of fifty plus
You must put your health in the doctors trust

Last Tear In Life

Something I did not know, one last tear will always show
When they are on their dying bed, on that pillow
Where they rest their head -you will see the last earthly tear shed.
This is the tear of good bye as they go to the other side

Days Of Old Christmas

Days of old Christmas

You can feel the magic in the air, it's the Christmas
Spirit that's everywhere.

American Bald Eagle

American bald eagle

The American eagle took to flight
Soared into the valley, with its wings of might.

My Hopes And Dreams Are Gone

All my hopes and dreams are gone, nothing left in me to carry on.
My life is in a shambles and disarray I guess this is the price that I must pay.
For all the wrongs that I had done and the pains I had put on some.
I lived my life the best that I could and if there were things

Beatnik To Vietnam To Hippie Stand


At the beginning of "64" - I packed up my uniform
And walked out the door- it was the beginning of

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