Luo Zhihai Poems

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The Weak Water

A volume of the spring light intoxicates people into the dream
Three thousands of the weak water dilutes ink and whitewashes a screen
Bamboos by the river are modest and have good forms
Families are simple and sincere in the hill

The Moss Steps

The spring comes early, the clear wind touches willows
Drizzle moistens lotuses, sun shines agley
Show emerald color, the bamboo leaves in smoke
To moisten the moss steps, with tears peach blossoms float

At The Moment Chant Poems Of Tang And Song First



Was Tied

A boat was tied on the deep or shallow place of the willow smoke
Souls returned in the time of the pale or bright evening moon
Are happy in the years and accompany me obsessed
Play in the human society and get drunk with you

A Willow Whip

Bamboo flute is light transverse
Strongly throw a willow whip
Status and prestige are equal
Food and fuel are expensive

The Warm Breeze

Several points of the dawn stars accompany the waning moon
Ten thousands of dusk willow withes dance the warm breeze
The peach blossoms with smiles reflect spring red
The rain drops no sound to moisten grass green

Sound Drums And Beat Gongs

An affectionate string, mountain is open-minded
Two fluttering sleeves, chrysanthemum is leisurely
Decorate with lanterns and colored streamers to greet bridal sedan chair
Sound drums and beat gongs to congratulate the jade marriage

The Litchi Shore

Summer willows are soft and cicadas weak
Spring heart is charming and swallows reluctant at parting
Both wind and moon are clear and intoxicate the litchi shore
Water and sky in same color are obsessed the ferry

Earthly Tiredness

Throw the past to allay earthly tiredness
See bustle light and habit of being unrestrained
Chant poems and hold a pot of wine, the hand painting
Write like an angel, the Qinggui Incense

With One Body Of Healthy Atmosphere, Dream Is Sweet



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