Luo Zhihai Poems

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Moisten The Pen

One thousand mountains of emerald color know the spring arrive
Thousand paths of the thick fragrance attracts the butterflies come
Several jade orchids and bamboos moisten the pen
Double purple swallows and willows pour out their hearts

Thunder Axe

Skilful ghost and thunder axe, go out of their way
The wife's adornment lies in her husband in a sense, immensely proud to send
You often play music to scare the dust world
I indulge to break obstacle fence myself

Make Good Deeds And Abandon Evils

Make Good Deeds and Abandon Evils

Endless long road of the life, make good deeds and abandon evils

Division Into Three Parts

One night of spring breeze, thousand trees of the pear blossoms smile
Several jade fluting, all swallows fly happy
Division into three parts, on the throne, as far as possible to the people
Rowing with double oars, having guts go to sea

A Writing Brush Made Of Weasel's Hair

Han tile and Qin brick, left legacy through the ages vaguely
Far apart from each other, a cableway witnessed the vicissitudes of life
Being spoony every year, in the couplet circles, a writing brush made of weasel's hair soaks ink fragrance
Spring colors every year, wind and rain in the regions south of the Yangtze River play the bamboo rhyme

Hair On The Temples

Full dark green, the spring showed its face
Bright red all over, the phoenixes went up on the stage
Life like a dream, the smoke and clouds remote
Years like a shuttle, hair on the temples gray

One String And One Column

Mother's looks gradually old, often leaned on the wood door to hope her son return
Tourists not return, have troubled the wild goose to post the homesickness
The richly painted zither, one string and one column, listen to the sweet music
Leisure years, half drunk and half a chant to write the love lyrics

Piled Up

Butterfly wing opened one page of the spring
Willow smoke piled up one thousand layers of the emerald
Listened to cicadas noised in the green banyan in the morning
Dreamt plums bloomed in the white snow in the evening


Night shattered and flute rhymes cold
Winter cold and sounds of spring clogged
A sail stayed the twilight
Lonely shadow saw the setting sun off

In The Couplets

A touch of weal sorrow far away with the wild geese
Ten thousands of affairs of the human life looking back empty
Adapt ancient forms for present-day use in the couplets
In the spring colors, new flowers in an old tree

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