Neil Young

Neil Young Poems

How well the old sits with the new,
Giving what is minimal
An interest and theme;
A neutral canvas

Curving now
And moving fast,
The wave rolls higher than the dead of war.

Lorimer's monument
Punctuates ‘The Lines'.His
Upturned exclamation


The earth, played out, seems forged with fear,
It bristles, stiffens, slowly fades
With introspection. Through the blear,
In our unease we move, bowed heads;

Shades are deeper here, less
Subtle than Aldeburgh;
This murky northern coast.

Here in Lake Havasu, it seemed strange,
The two of us strolling over London Bridge;
That Mary Poppins skyline long erased.

Purring like a thirty-two;
Sagging, humourless and bleak;

Silent until opened,
Perhaps more softly spoken than we thought,
Or loud, somewhat aggressive,
Uncompromised and unapologetic.

little light… shining… her soft voice pleads… each piano shard cold and biting

dark October races by… out there a distant light ignites her words
this school exchange… we take the night train… Moscow to St. Petersburg

Our brooding, blue-grey visage slowly moves.
Below us, telegraphs, whose bronze wires thread
Their pensive silence, stitched from pole to pole,
Await the tickle conversation makes;

The language that he reads is esoteric;
Not hieroglyphs, yet symbols of high art;
Pages of black code that proffer colour,
Transcending each mathematical part.

Gnarled trunks rise up in lines like Gothic shafts of stone,
While underneath the weight of sky their branches groan.
Faint psalmody, those soughing leaves are clearer seen
Than understood; they quiver in a vault of green,


Slowly stretching my unexplored arm
On the land, I feel nature reclaim
It. I weave across all I have known,
Whose past settles in bright afternoon.

While rain on old Saint Mary’s church poured down,
Those opened doors invited us inside.
Creatively designed, the flowers grown
Filled all the dusty corners. Just beside

i. Rosace

Some forgotten grace
Lights the window's leaded face

dim light forages on dull rails… train slows to a pause...

head down… a fox slinks over empty tracks
the embers of his coat subdued

darkness comes… but drags its heels… a street light flickers into life

the parlour dresses in dark clothes… and slowly sucking out the light
turns pages grey… half-digested words fade to meet it

tonight… unrelenting wind and hail is jostling us

our shoppers' hands are scales that balance weight
with bags for ballast… we act in defiance of his bullied howl

mother's curtains drawn against the night... frigid air anticipates the siren song

by lamplight she writes to him... dearest… her muddled days and rationed love pour out
small talk calms the nerves... she thinks... now their punctured lives have grown less ordinary

owl hoots into the small hours of your nightshift

his mate replies... a faint sound far beyond the mainline
your porta-cabin flickers in the dark... a wall of tv screens

Neil Young Biography

I come from Liverpool, England. I have written poetry for many years and some of these poems appear here and in my first book 'Neptune & other poems'. Though often reluctant to publish my work, some pieces have appeared in print before. Aside from writing, my interests include music, art, architecture, film, theatre and travel. My favourite poets include T.S. Eliot, Ian Hamilton, Geoffrey Hill, Philip Larkin, Adam O'riordan, Edward Lucie-Smith, Sylvia Plath, Neil Powell, A.S.J. Tessimond, Derek Walcott and Tom Warner to name but a few. In another life, I have recorded, edited and produced several organ music CDs for organist friends. I am currently working on the remaining few unfinished poems for my second book 'Departures' and two side projects 'Motives' and '17 syllables' which are coming on well and look set to be completed for publication in autumn 2025. Poems marked by a double asterisk are to be included in 'Departures'. Poems marked by a triple asterisk are from '17 syllables' and a quadruple asterisk are from 'Motives'. The 'Motives' poems appear here in a compromised layout due to limitations of the poemhunter website. As an aside to poetry, in July 2024, I released a minimalist nine track EP called Bidston Hill. A soundtrack to accompany an imaginary film. This can be found on Bandcamp. The recordings however link to a selection of haiku I wrote about landmarks that feature there, including an observatory, a dead tree, a footbridge, a lighthouse and a windmill. I am great believer that: 'Where everything is bad, it must be good to know the worst...')

The Best Poem Of Neil Young

Ancient & Modern*

How well the old sits with the new,
Giving what is minimal
An interest and theme;
A neutral canvas
Where there is everything to learn.

How weak the new fits with the old,
Cheapening the substantial,
Marking out a struggle
Between bold principles
And inevitable entropy.

Neil Young Comments

Tracy 17 February 2020

Hi Neil. Just checking in. Can you give me a call when you can? Tracy (07488338590)

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sounds really great. you are showing your emotions nice. you will have great future in poetry. i invite you to read my poems. as a friendly look.

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oguz Anil 19 October 2009

Tks alot Mr.Neil Young tks

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oguz Anil 19 October 2009

Thanks alot mr.Young profound writing i enjoyed them very much so tks

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oguz Anil 19 October 2009

Thanks alot mr diamond enjoyed to read them all profound masterpiece from a master

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