M. Asim Nehal Poems

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To Live Life Fully

Dew nuzzles on the petal of a delicate flower
like my dreams hanging on glistening new hopes.
Giving birth to umpteen imaginations,
like soft green moss on the white smooth pebbles.

Tanka ~ Memory.

buzzing honeybees
dancing flowers in chill breeze
a hummingbird sings
touchy melancholy song

Haiku ~ Change

wonderous blue sky
never allows the settling
neither moon nor sun

Ode To My Love

On the full moon night when the tide rises
And they follow one after another
I feel something in my heart
And my cheek feels million kisses.

Why I Believe In Destiny ~

I meet you with my poems.
This acquaintance wouldn't
have been possible
had not my poems reached you

Haiku Senryu ~ On Trap

butterfly flutters
flowers engross and enjoy
nectar sucked slyly

Tanka ~ Image

what we see in others
is like an image in mirror
which changes, often —
sometimes big, sometimes small

Our Love Will Open ~

Silence has an echoing sound tonight
our love shines under a starless sky
you, me, and our sweet memories
will guide us to a new path

My Struggle To Rise Against The Gravity

............................................I am pulled.......................................
........................................constantly pulled..................................
....................................by the external force................................
............................... downward into a deep well...........................

A Message -To The Prisoners Of Upbringing

Break the eggshells around you
Shatter the chain of your memorised series
Let free your mind to meet your thoughts
The emptiness around you is killing

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