M. Asim Nehal Poems

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And I Keep My Hope Alive.

My dreams twinkle in the starry night
On the endless bending of the sky
Ready to fall on the sandy beach
Where waves are craving for the ride.

Senryu ~ Ambrosia Around

see those dancing bees ~
when fragrance lingers in air
after blossom bloom.

Haiku ~ Alone

in the dusk of snow
a sparrow sitting alone;
on a leafless branch

Tanka ~ Road To Prosperity

let any remain ~
between love/peace and hate/war
when a coin is flipped
then brotherhood will flourish

Rejoice This Morning Calm.

Sing to me Oh yellow sunflowers,
And then swing and dance:
Year of stress has passed and gone
This is your golden chance.

Senryu ~ Russian Atrocity

with the western breeze
a steelbird carries the bombs
to kill innocents

Short Poem ~ 15

It was a windy day
River winding in and out
Under the wide valley of life
Surrounded by a landscape

Short Poem ~ Goals

With so much thought In my mind ~
I slip into the sea to reach the depth.
Where I find they swim along ~
To the shore of achievements.

Tanka ~ Emotional Change

from dawn to the dusk
as the sun passes across
a change does occur
in the human and nature

My Floating Thoughts

Although she is not the moon,
she seems to move like the moon does.
When the night is consistently dark.

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