Marc Robinson Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Love Letter To You

You know I love you
And thought I couldn’t live without you
But that’s why I have to leave you.
Set myself lonely,

Sands Of Love

If the love I feel
Inside of my heart
Had any form.
It would take the form of water

I Am A Transformer

I am adaptable,
And I am able to change to help fit in.
I value morality, and I try to do the right thing.
I try to do the best in my life,

Frustration At Recent Times

There is a problem,
But I don’t know what it is.
I can feel the inner awkwardness,
But don’t understand why.

Heaven Can Wait

Heaven can wait one more day,
Because I don't want to leave you yet.
Tell that Angel of Death that i'm gunna be late
And I dont care of the consequences,

It Scares Me

I sit here tonight,
And I think of the future.
Worry as I ponder what it has in hold for me.
And more importantly,

The Travel To Work

As I travel to work
And rub the crusty sleep from my eye.
I think of the day ahead
And can’t help but think,

I Don’t Worry For You, I Just Happen To Care A Lot

I am there for you,
You do not have to test me,
But you do.
I try to help you.

All That I Hold Onto

I carry with me all that I hold onto.
All that I wish wasn’t with me,
I continue to carry it all.
And moan about its weight.

I Know Where I Stand

If I am honest with myself,
Deep down,
I know where I stand with you.
If I a honest,

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