Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Own Heart [rev]

I don't mind not doing anything - all I want
is a dream; just finding an ideal that fires
my mind and fills my heart would be such
a delight - anything - visions of swimming

Love You Dad

Anxiety, a mental state without explanation, poisons
the beauty of life and leads to a never-ending quest
for relief: at night I recount my blessings, the safety
and well-being which led human beings to colonise

A Blackguard At Heart

Finally found where I am at home, among the
recreational drug users who use any and every
drug they discover to get high, knowing they are
growing immune to the dose and prescriptions

Long-Lost Reality

High in a tower, high in the hot African sun, two
little translators have had enough as the scourge
of self-assessment lurks after the Government
had curtailed the requisite service to keep all State

Half A Brain

There was a young man, gifted beyond measure,
his paintings and creative writing exceptional and
learning ability far beyond the norm, but plagued
by anxiety caused by his perfectionist tendencies

Alive At This Time

Marching at full speed to where I'm picked up
after work, caught in a melée of charging figures
and taxis who wait at green lights then drive off
as soon as the robot turns red bearing down on

Sing My Way Home

I enjoy my coffee with cream and walk in the sun
with my parasol, this beautiful umbrella festooned
with pictures from Frozen on which I hang scarves
and strings with beads, singing as I go - accepting

Not The Bigot (R Shortened)

Trump's immigration ban on seven countries fulfils
Obama's policies and is correcting Barack's moral
deficiencies which empowered bigots and fascists
and disarmed victims - the Obama administration

Light Of Integrity (C)

Muslim Extremists declared war on the West,
jihadists launch attacks in Europe & America,
suicide bombers enjoying themselves as they
will wake up in Paradise with their Virgins

Saintly Sisters (C)

It's amazing that the Killer Sisters Self-Righteous
and Strange-Love know they are Infallible and
possess Ineffable Information that can never be
accessed by little Postulants like me, they can

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