Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Handsome Guys And Crocodiles

What's it with handsome guys and crocodiles?

Just switched on to watch while pasting labels on files
and suddenly crocodiles pulled me out of the black hole

Dream Of Life Eternal

Dear Tara, whether living or dying, you're my friend
whether here on earth with your mind centred around
a body or non-physical consciousness living eternally
you shall ALWAYS BE my friend and I shall always

You Lived Gloriously [revised]

Intense you lived, and fast - drinking deep of life's cup;
curious, bubbly, bright - enjoying the marvel of feelings
alight in sensuousness, you are an exquisite butterfly
shedding the cocoon of physical life to discover new

Conjure The Music

You said you might leave us soon, I hope you
will stay awhile if you do not have to suffer too
much, I wish I could be there with you now; I'm
going to track you down if you go to that astral

Cold Convictions [revised]

A short message - she's dying and it hurts: now
everything seems meaningless, even hopes of
existence's continued consciousness does not
remove the fear of losing physical contact with

Wondering How

I know why busy people don't have problems: they
have no time to think - a head without thoughts - an
empty mind never wasting time to surmise what can
go wrong: busy people has one specific virtue - one

Multiplied By Each Mind

Reading Jane Robert's reporting as Seth, a non-physical
consciousness; intrigued by Seth's insistence everyone
has many minds - he defines the mind as psychic pattern
by which we create reality, enlightened persons become

Life Is About [3rd Rev.]

Pre-dawn train trip, speeding forth in darkness
of night, arrived in city floodlit bright, escalators
to catch the bus, speeding off to the stop where
Nici and I alight, on to the studio, key for the lock

King Of The Universe

Brilliant course, of course I made a mess in the
end: train, bus to be at the my daughter's studio
before walking down to the venue to attend the
Linnegar Basic Copy Editing and Proofreading

Train Sanitized

Train sanitized, NO clickety-clack, shhhh the
small rocket went, horrible seats and people
enclosed like fish in a tin, no excitement, the
magic all gone, a small seat, a sanitized ride

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