Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Crown Of Thorns

I thought my brain was frozen like my
heart - but now I find my brain is made
of stone useless for analytic computer,
my brain fails - anxiety the bane of my

Telling My Story [rev]

The benevolent atmosphere, industrious dedication
of my colleagues and the kindness of our Boss who
lives in his own man-cave which I glimpse from time
to time; he asks what gives meaning to life, & I reply

Follow The Light [rev]

A sad solo floats on by as the lonely soloist, haughtily
disdained by a strong Valkyrian mezzo-soprano who
just deals with slain heroes to be shuttled to the Feast
in the Sky with Ho-to-yo; sings: ‘Think of me - think of

All My Years [rev]

A slow tortoise I divide each legal sentence into
small bits, check terms against each alternative
and paste the whole together again, knowing it
must be checked also after phrases have been

My Oversoul-Self

Finally it struck me that there's no such thing as "non-
being" & this is the key to understanding everything, I
thought existing was a victory over the defeat of being
dead forever; but it's wrong since the physical world is

One Thin Shard

In quiet stupefaction I watch as my body
language as well as irrelevant or the most
unsuitable remarks destroy my life, I simper,
whimper and sigh until no positive feeling

Survive My Life

Deaf on the left - my left ear & learning state
capture isn't clear - not clear enough to stop
capturers from continuing with illegal ousting
of honest people, and you complaining loud-

As You Want Me To

I hope I can stay down and resigned, that no false
joy or illusionary delight draw my focus away from
the blackness of our economy - from plummeting
markets and my own aches and pains & may I be

Life-Giving Green

NO challenge, no hurdles, no accomplishment, and
now it doesn't matter because the rain is washing
away all sorrows, the threatening drought is more
important than my ear-ache and depression facing

Threatened By Dreams

I'm listening not caring what I'm hearing, nothing
makes sense, nothing leads anywhere - we just
drift on the waters of eventuality -with no end in
sight - we have a state-capturing President and

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