Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ascend Through The Spheres [rev.]

Listen, he said, mind learns to make images and gain
control over its surroundings and until physical release
into the higher reach of vibrational frequencies, it is
trained through its creativity here on earth

Refine My Dreams [rev.]

Mankind's destiny is to put the mind in total
control of its surrounds, to become what we
do and think - fulfilment's first step Is taking
control over space & time, allowing mankind

My Descent [rev.]

I start my descent every Saturday into a
pit of discontent; crouched on the couch,
left ankle throbbing with Arthur Findlay's
notes on the meaning of life - wishing to

Sail Away

The maddening pain in my head is destroying
everything I have ever read or said, my world
implodes until there is only one infinitely heavy
dark item left ready to explode back into life as

Dark, Silent, Horrible Places [rev.]

Like a wild horse on speed the day ran
away from me; couldn't get a rein on it,
it fled, didn't give me a chance to touch
my feet to the earth - I gave up & read

The Multiverse Splits [rev.]

Dr Rips, Hebrew University Professor of Mathematics
claiming serious scientific Bible Codes research, says
Michael Drosnin's predictions are not valid - since the
practice making predictions on Torah codes is futile

Dare To Believe In Dreams [rev.]

Mathematical consultant Harold Gans reviewed Michael
Drosnin's Bible Code of Witztum-Rips experiment - with
tested scientific protocols specified by reviewers and
strong statistical evidence for Jewish sages names, birth

Thwarts The Ideal [rev.]

Some got the message that we create our
own reality all wrong - saying ill-health is a
sign of us being bad; but it's not at all what
Seth meant - bad only applies to whatever

Shackles I Cannot Face [rev.]

To react emotionally to information in writing
is idiotic; I am such an idiot, I have to ignore
things like the Raelian Movement; although
respecting its right to establish a new creed

Resigned Bitter-Sweet Amen [rev.]

There is only one true reaction listening to
Ave Maria sung by Maria Callas, a single
way to feel what the music brings - tears,
the stab to the heart so painful and sharp,

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