Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Straight To Hell [rev.]

It's hot, kids have TV on loud, the much-maligned
moonboot is evil, the doctor said, the only problem
is in your head - throw boot away, start exercising,
you useless Taugenichts, wasting my time like this

Become A Sphinx

Feeling terrible, having coached my nephew
to be positive and enthusiastic about his new-
born daughter, then the olive branch torn from
his hand and crushed underfoot - his suffering

The Beckoning Top

My new colleague perplexed as I jump for joy,
singing happily on completion of my document
- but you don't like translating, she accuses; I
explain I hate climbing the mountain, getting

Fragile African States [rev.]

What a beautiful word ‘fragile' is - fragile
states are delicate, breakable, precious;
objects to be treasured, to be loved and
cherished - applying this exquisite term

Love To Be Here [rev.]

Fairy wings and a glittering white mask,
many hues of roses pink, my Charlotte
Brontë doll with her gentle expression
sitting against a background blue cloth

Those Knowing The Drill [revised]

The question is - can a yodeller be a government
employee, a troubadour in the ranks, on the stairs,
in the open-plan office - combating noisy auxiliary
personnel conversation? And the answer is - yes,

Chained To Confused Statutes [rev.]

Fictional employees feasting on public funds
in failing fragile Africa - at least our database
is stable; I've never entered Charlotte Brontë,
my nostalgic doll, nor Jane Austen, my sweet

Forfeiting Their Right [rev.]

As I read the history of the Afrikaans tribe in
Africa my ideas came full circle; they'd fled
colonial power & survived British wars just
to turn into bullies - submerging Africa in a

A Spartan Study [revised]

I relinquish the study without regret, or
not much; the bare, dark wooden tops
& ochre curtain's scene lightened only
by seashells hanging in the window -

Content With Small Things [rev.]

Central air-con replaced by the buzz of a
myriad mobile units & the heat is intense,
spraying water and enjoying the soft mist
of coolness, the advantage of buzzing in

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