Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Unexpected Synergy

Not what I aimed at originally, yet unexpected
synergy in the total effect is exciting, starting
with blue stripes and white dots in the corner,
next yellow flowers, then a green paper plate

A New Ice Age

Three brilliant women, close colleagues,
language fundi's & architectural pundits
in their own estimation; solved the air-con
problem of the 10-storey building in which

Fire-And-Brimstone Justice [rev.]

The dawn ‘architecture' expert becomes political
analyst now watching CNN - French cartoonists
executed at Charlie Hebdo magazine by Islamic
extremists - a world-wide response termed ‘Je

My Changeling Child [rev.]

A dark strange December, suffocating without
joie de vivre & menacing, in the end I couldn't
communicate, no replies to friends messages,
no talking to Birgitt, my nephew, no replies to

Waiting For Hope

How do I teach a broken child who lost all she
treasured to reach for positive expectation, how
do I teach a spirit feeling unworthy and lacking
in well-being, to think thoughts of worthiness -

A Primitive Reptile

I've just been told off for being an uncouth beast
in conversation, interrupting everyone in the most
overbearing manner, since my family is used to me
as a fading wall-flower quiet in the corner I was in-

Shower Her With Love

One crocodile catching a changeling child
who is running wild, fleeing from everything
as the content of her mind is so depressing,
indelible pain etched into her mind while her

More Of The Same

Tomorrow I wish to convince Carine to do something
positive; the first thing I can think of is writing the book
she has threatened me with years ago - since then she
has read Hitler's Mein Kampf so she might write down

A Saviour

Many different outcomes can be imagined for a set
of conditions, we receive warnings from alternative
selves who dealt with the result of possible choices
in events we are going to experience, enabling us

Thoughts Congeal [rev.]

There is no space, no movement of time in my heart -
stuck in one mood, one bizarre feeling of the absurd,
biocentrism meeting quantum field theory geometric
version as I stand outside the three dimensions of

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