margaret haig Poems

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Funny Things That Happen.

Funny things that happen quite often to me,

Like going shopping for slippers, and come home without;

The Island Poem.

The Island was there surrounded by sea,

Where the family stayed, so much to see;

The Old Couple

The was an old couple who were so close,
He said to his wife, it's great that you I chose;
To share my life as we go through each day,
Yes! I love you my darling, do you hear what I say?

The Wise Old Man

The wise old man we could call him,
He sits in the fork of a tree so thin;
But why do we think that he is so smart?
He doesn't need to work in a bank or mart.

That's What Jesus Said

Verily, you must be Born again,
This is what Jesus said, to the man;
When the Ruler asked, how can I get there,
The answer is when we're saved, heaven we share,

Daniel. The Man Of God

Daniel, was a prophet, and a man who loved the Lord,
He was taken from His family, read his story in the Word;
When the kings servants brought them food, Daniel wouldn't eat,
Daniel said God wanted them, to eat, vegies and meat.

These Men Of Faith

These men of Faith, these men of old,

Their lives they lived, they were so bold;

Don'T Leave Christ Out Of Christmas.

Please, Don't leave Christ out of Christmas, because it is His day,

God sent His only Son, to be born in a loving and Humble way;

Go Take A Holiday

Go take a holiday, somewhere so quiet,

And if need be, leave your pets with the vet;

Missy My Pug.

Missy my Pup, is a mischievous pug,

Who when she is naughty, looks so smug;

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