Maria Sudibyo Poems

Hit Title Date Added
To The Place Where Memory Returns

Do you still want to live in the place where everything destroyed?
Your home is gone
Your reason is stolen
Living like a roaming refugee

Heart Broken

Keeping a broken heart
Is like keeping shards of glass
It can easily scratch your heart
Even thought you have been careful not to touch it

Art Of Courage

Stubborn will, strong affection
Complete faith, undivided loyalty
Sweet soul, limited time
What drives you to break the barrier?


Wind struck like thousand swords
Stabbing lonely heart, confused mind, empty soul
Leaving carcasses for merciless fire

Global War(N) Ming

Fundamental Of Liar Chapter Clxxx: Tete-A-Tete

When I don't look right into your eyes
It means:
1. I feel insecure
2. I am not comfortable with stranger

Hermaphrodite Part 3

If you call them a sin
Do you stone them and let them die?
If you call them a fault
Do you not see them as still human being?

Hermaphrodite Part 2

It never said that God only creates male and female
What about the plant?
What about the animal?
If God creates some with two sex in one body

I'M Not There

Don't cry me over my grave
I'm not there, I'm not there
Don't place me on your altar
I'm not there, I'm not there

Art Of Waiting

For promise, for destiny
For love, for a chance
For light, for happiness
For freedom, for peace

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