Marie WardAlonge

Marie WardAlonge Poems

I have loved you by fate.
My longing for you grows by what I anticipate.
I dare to hold my breath when you walk through that door.

A father she had loved but never seen.
A picture sent by him when she was in her teens.
A physical feature she had from his genes
She heard people say she had to be his.

I have a mirror.
I look in it everyday.
Sometimes, it's not what I want to see.
Instead, it's what I want to be.

Please, don't come up in my face
With your words of disgrace.
Saying, I act like I am White.
Please, go do something constructive-like take a hike.

I don't know why you didn't show any interests in your child.
I remember her having big dreams with those lonely brown eyes.
You never once took her to see your world.
You just left her to be a lost little girl.

Grandmother asked us to go to the store quick.
She needed her daily fix.
She wanted her L&M cigarettes.

One day we were laughing
The next day we were not.
I heard my friend had been shot.
We were just little girls.

You were a poet before I knew
Writing would be my dream.
I was in love with you.
I wanted to be your queen.

It was a time of unrest the sixties did bring.
A man of faith did have a dream.
As the Motown Sound played in many mother's home,
Their sons were in Vietnam, where the fight by us would never be won.

He knew the family well.
He was considered a trusted friend.
He fooled them all with his devious plan.
He turned out not to be a decent man.

To all the ones I have tried to make friends
But later discovered you didn't have a good heart in the end.
This is what I remembered you said:

Yes, it's true.
I don't know everything.
However, I do know some things.
I believe no one on this earth knows everything.

He stands in the wake of making what's wrong right.
He is a man of essence, unconventional wisdom-strong family convictions.
Those around him strive to do better.
He is our inspiration.

His boldness, his unbridled expressions-he exudes with confidence.
I am inspired but yet, lost-lost in all his splendors.
Will he hold me captive forever?
Time knows, I say.

He smiles but with many faces.
His persona is hidden in different places.
A work of art is he.
He seeks and attaches, conquers, and makes you believe.

If you think, I could be with you and see another,
Don't worry-no other.

If you think, I can share your joy and your pain

It is the end of November and my sorrow is great.
This poem is for a great lady I remember
But I have not honored yet.
Let these words give you comfort in time of need.

I can't imagine with all my charms,
You would seek love in another woman's arms.
I figure you won't tell
But all is not well.

Your words, can they sound any sweeter?
With your promises mixed with deception,
It leaves the mind in an upheaval.
I am not satisfied as a believer.

Turn to me my love and you will see.
The flames of passion that burned then dimmed but now have gone out.
I can summon many words but right now I am in doubt.

The Best Poem Of Marie WardAlonge

When Two Hearts Meet

I have loved you by fate.
My longing for you grows by what I anticipate.
I dare to hold my breath when you walk through that door.

For when I see you,
My excitement runs through.
My pressure heightens.
With you, I am delighted.

With much more for me to disguise,
It is your beautiful smile.
It carries me away from a hectic day.
You allow me to fall in your arms for awhile.

I am pleased.
I feel your comfort.
I am at ease.
You bring me joy beyond my needs.

And at times, when you decide to scorn,
For what you believe you know.
My tears, I sometimes can't hide.
They do flow.

Words are said-before we go to bed.
We weigh our conscience before we take our sleep.
We recommit our love.
For each other, we thank our God above.

I know this sounds sweet.
With one steady beat,
This is what happens when two hearts meet.

Marie WardAlonge Comments

Omiat Kings 18 June 2010

Nice poem! Go Lakers!

1 0 Reply
Hossam Bounab 20 March 2010

Nice, those words seem sincere.yes, we may not be the best, but that does not mean, we're the worst.we must only to try our best to be the best among the rest, then we can get a good harvest, just be always in the contest :)

0 2 Reply

Marie WardAlonge Quotes

Everyone has flaws....some more than others.

If I take credit for everything people stated I did or said, I would be either crazy or rich....I would rather be the latter.

Some people may say I am paranoid....If I believe that, I would be paranoid.

Don't believe it when someone tells you that you don't have a personality; Everyone has one...several, in some cases.

'I am a Southern girl with a Midwestern connection. So when people tell me I have an accent, I tell them, 'So does almost everyone in America.''

In reference to personal issues, I refuse to say I have made mistakes....However, I will say I have made some bad 🙅 decisions.

I am not crazy. However, all my life, I have been around people who have done and said some crazy things.

My my pen. That's my outlet. Healed!

Okay...let me understand. You want me to clean the house, cook everyday, wash the clothes, have and raised the kids, smile and be thankful, pay the bills, don't ever get tired, and work two jobs if needed, and still be a loving wife and mother? Well, I said I wanted to be your Super Woman, not Superman!

I love myself like you love yourself.

No matter how you may believe you are better than someone when coming to social status, there's always someone who believes they are better than you. Discrimination is useless.

You are not my first love...I won't lie. However, I will say you are my greatest love.

Everyone just can't be crazy; Some are just evil while the rest is perhaps, confused. However, who really knows?

Sometimes completing the smallest of commitments is an inspiration to one aspiring to complete the largest of commitments.

When friends and family ask you how are you doing and you tell them. Then they say, 'Try not to talk about it-you may speak it into existence.' You look at them with amazement and say, 'It's already a reality-it's called a pre-existing condition! '

Two bulls were trotting to the State Fair one day to meet up with their owner for an exhibition. One of the bulls was named Lee and the other bull was named Pinkie. Lee was young and frisky who enjoyed stopping and playing games every two minutes at Pinkie's expense. Pinkie was older and worn out from going to these exhibitions yearly. Pinkie just wanted to get to his destination, do what he had to do and be done with it. He told Lee so. However, Lee wasn't trying to hear any of this from Pinkie and continued to run around in circles at Pinkie, laughing as Pinkie was trying to walk his path and calling Pinkie old. So during another two minutes of Lee running around Pinkie in circles, Pinkie stopped abruptly and started chewing on Lee's ass. Lee cried out in pain and asked Pinkie why he did this? Pinkie said, 'You have your games- so do I.' The moral of this story- be careful of whom you play games with- because they may come back and bite you in the ass.

Having a Southern background, I grew up with people stating certain quips and sayings on education and common sense, while I watched them contradict themselves all over the place as they attempted to compare me while some kept doing what they wanted. Well, here is my saying to them. 'Have the education and common sense to stop acting silly because I haven't done anything more or less than you have, ' as my grandmother concurred. Dare to dream and act upon your dreams instead of listening to sayings and being afraid to try. You define you not other people's sayings.

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