Marieta Maglas Poems

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Nonexistent Pharaoh

You're my nonexistent
Mu's pharaoh losing
your powers inside of
me in that place, where

Bible, Franz Kafka And Mayan Popol Vuh

Drinking wine because the wine is
The blood of the earth, eating
Bread, because bread means
the flesh of this stony planet,

Help Me

(Confessions of a Woman)

David lives so far away from me, even though I adore him.
I'm aware that he doesn't know me, but he lives in his own world. His photo caught my eye in a book. I love him so much, even though I know I don't exist for him. He's existential for me.

The Vibration

My sight chipped out the clouds
from the sky. My eyes became
so expressive for you. The clouds
were your thoughts having

Signaptic Evolution

The star of your love became
a firefly in my hand. It was
shining in that night, in which
you started to exist for

Still Loving You

Down your thoughts, I traveled, until
I met you conjured up by salty memories
and waiting for my love as you had waited for
your kite to fly high up into the sky in your

Kyrielle Poem For The Shadows Of The Trees

Ships at the horizon look black-white in the frame.
Wet rocks through the crisp air reflect the sunset light.
The sky painted in mauve spreads foamy clouds in flame.
The shadows of the trees remain forever white.

Reasons To Keep Playing The Lottery

Firstly, it is a game
to sell hopes and dreams;
Here, you can make a new
logical investment choice

The Chill Of The Wind

The soul of this wind needs
No rainbow
But only desperation for a crushing blow.
He blows and blows and blows

Senryu For One Of Nicole's Paintings

The Divine Light
Becomes colored thoughts to frame
Letters and numbers.

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