Marilyn Jean

Marilyn Jean Poems

I live in fears of everything
To have to leave or loose you
To have to stay seeing you forget me
To have to live without you near

Taking a too narrow lane
Where turning would not do
Nor lifting a few chains
Often meeting an inner pain

On my way to this place of mine
It seems like coming to my old friend
So, I tried to weight each word
Perhaps unusual for me, they would say

Absolutely nowhere to go and hide
I linger here waiting to exhaustion
Things turn very strange all around
Emptiness fills my room, sunny but dull

A dream visited
Early this morning
This time it is you
Not me

Travelling back and forth
To a few too dark places
Many here so well known
Gently digging up clues

Signs here and there
Of your longing
A trail of them

Days are so long
Wrote the unknown poet
Some are very empty too
There none can fight

Today is so old, that it
Dies cold as a black stone
So, here too weird is love
That control must be retained


I dreamed dreams that I could never share
They haunted me more than I could ever say
When, here, I tried to share them anyway
Often my mind was neither pink nor square

Three years almost
I see that instant
Like all others
From day one

Twenty third, grey and wet
Warming my blue sofa
Two days left before Xmas
Head broken, lying on a table

Every year is the same
Story and an old tree here
Every year I buy a new one

Come when ready
The clock ticks
Here it is too heavy
Even time sticks

Here, both wind and cold rain came without a surprise
Yet, the long, weird Summer ended only yesterday
Quite a boring story but it is time for my evening walk
No dog on a lead for me but my ever wandering mind

No message
No answer
And no talking

My mind on a spree
A dream came
Two nights back

Like me today
Or every day
Almost wasted

So much so
When you are
Then, gone

All the roses are gone
For this year again
His calculated words
She almost cried

The Best Poem Of Marilyn Jean

Needs And Fears

I live in fears of everything
To have to leave or loose you
To have to stay seeing you forget me
To have to live without you near

I live in need of everything
To talk and smile then forget all
To know that I touched your heart
To let you know how you touched mine

I need to let you know of my fears
I love to know what are yours if any
I live waiting to cradle you gently
To let you see love here feels no fear

I fear I will never get to tell you
How much I need you and my dreams
I fear once more you will push me back
I fear your needs don't match mine

I need you to hold me when I fall
You need to know I am here if you do
I fear you think I am just another one
You need to be sure I am not, not at all

I need you to see me with my cluttered mind
I need you to never fear my loving heart
As you should never fear I'd not do the same
With all this love that is only ours

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