Martin Farquhar Tupper Poems

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Look, like a village queen of May, the stream
Dances her best before the holiday sun,
And still with musical laugh goes tripping on

All joy to thee, my country, and my pride!
Be the glad muse my patriot lay to guide;
Suggest the thought, and lead the strain,

Bows And Rifles (A Song For Volunteers.)

In days long ago, when old England was young,
Her bows were the toughest that ever were strung,

Country Life

I. Against.
Think not thou that fields and flowers,
Copses and Arcadian bowers,
Grow the crop of Peace :-

A Morning Hymn

Once again my spirit waits
At a morrow's golden gates,
As in resurrection there
With the frankincense of prayer:

A Text For Discontent

Honest fellow, sore beset,
Vext by troubles quick and keen,
Thankfully consider yet
'How much worse it might have been:'

A Dozen Ballads About White Slavery. Sonnets Introductory

They tell of horrors on another shore,
Injustice, thraldom, chains and goads and whips,
And human-nature smothered to the lips

Cheerfulness (In Dactylics.)

Lover of goodness, and friend to the beautiful,
Ever go forth with a smile on thy cheek,
Knowing that God will prosper the dutiful,

Marcellus (From Virgil, Æn. Vi. 855.)

Behold, how glorious in his regal spoil
Marcellus comes, a victor more than human!
He, mighty warrior, shall the Roman weal


In vain, O mountain, this malignant mist
Hides thy grand brow, and every wrinkle fills;
In vain these envious levelling clouds insist

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