Mary Angela Douglas Poems

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House Wanted: In A Dream

it's cherry sprigged from floor to rafter
that much is certain;
with ivory curtains
that never need washing.

In Every Cell There Is A White Dove

[inspired in part, by the illustration The Ship Arrives, by Henry Justice Ford (from the Crimson Fairytale Book, Ed. Andrew Lang, Dover Publications Inc., NY) and by themes in English lyric poetry and Christmas carols.
and wholly by the One who said: "Let There Be Light"-]

in every cell there is a white dove

Blue Starred In The Blue Grass Spring Lullay

to e.e. cummings

blue-starred in the blue grass
bell floating are the flowers

In A Sugared Quiet Lit By Multicoloured Stars

after the school auditions for the Nutcracker ballet

here is the snow-globe where the tiny fir cones
gleam in a sugared quiet lit

The Brocades Spilling Out From Your Bazaars O Lord

for the Irish-Belgian poet, Martin Burke

and to all the poets of Persia and Istanbul of fabled beauty remembered

Washed Farther Downstream

"In my Father's house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you."

leaving your home on the twenty-second eviction

I Saw The Fleeting Clouds Above The Plains

[my American dream]

I saw the fleeting clouds above the Plains
in my own mind;

Peach Swung In The Vernacular, Day After Maya Died

'Do I dare to eat a peach? '
-T.S. Eliot, The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock

to Maya Angelou and those who loved her

Will This Be On The Test, Asked Gretel

my shelves are laden with a gum-drop sufficiency
cackled the witch, anticipating.
provender of peppermint, white chocolate bark


there is no exceptional exception I heard the angels cry,
never in their own language when they said this-
mimicing the earth; or children dragged where

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