Mary Angela Douglas Poems

Hit Title Date Added
It's All Lemon Chiffon

it's all lemon chiffon
she sighed in a fifties dress shop
in a dream.


caught in the sequined rains of every colour
we longed to be brighter than the brightness
of all things

The Ice Cream Panes Of August Melt

the ice cream panes of august melt
i'm gazing through the isinglass
of panoramic eggs in spring
one frosted rose means everything

And Diamond Light Filled The Kingdom

that stepshoe is too tight the sisters wailed
and who wears see-through shoes that's anyone anyway
they sniffed though not in unison

The Green The Leaf Reverts To When Earth Forgets April

'God's name like a huge bird flew out of my breast.
Before me the thick mists swarm;
Behind me, an empty cage.'
-Osip Mandelstam

I Was Wearing A Dress Of Impeachable Hue

I was wearing a dress of impeachable hue
at least, that's what they said.
I thought it was only the color of roses

Blue Words Were Spoken From A Golden Book

blue words were spoken from a golden book:
aqua blue, colour of summers, or aqua green
(mystic, the colour of repainted bookshelves

Etched In The Stone The Weeping Fern Survived

[to Tommy Dykeman, childhood friend-
earnestly searching for arrowheads and fossils.
in the vacant lot, on a Sunday afternoon]

The Muse In Flight Before The Approaching Armies

I hid beneath my eyelid the poem of Infinite light
so no one could steal it.
and in my shoe, the poem of going away.

Red Velveteen Wouldn't The Rosebuds Wish To Be

red velveteen wouldn't the rosebuds wish to be
thought the little girl colouring endlessly
in the afternoon while her mama

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