Mary Angela Douglas Poems

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The Merely Imagined Author Writing The Life Of De La Mare

it isn't enough to go into the mists;
you should be mist yourself
to find him;

So Jewel-Like In The Stirrups Flash The Outriders

[to the immortal voice of Ethel Barrymore-
to all the outriders of our language]

To Him

He may be filled with Light with birds with maytimes.
ultra violets, He may be tender as sudden showers
hinting at snows before they fall and

You Were In Love With The Opal Branching Skies

to John Keats

you were in love with the opal-branching skies,

The Moment It All Turned To Sparkles

it's threading the point too finely
chided the godmother
tapping a lilac toe shoe on the pavement

In The Kingdom Of Sweets Gone By

the cream of words that frothed the rim of
poetry gone by poured into the sleeping village overnight,
the one semicircling the Christmas boughs,

Whose Lacework Once Again

whose lacework once again is gathered forming
in the pewter skies erasing time making of trees
a freezing of light and the child heard 'chimes'


'the poetry of earth is never dead.'
-John Keats

(for my mother Mary Adalyn Young-Douglas)

Transcribing These Doll Languages

[Thumbelina's Song]

transcribing these doll languages
I found a little freedom:

Beauty In The Room Marked 'All Her Own'

[for Gabrielle-Suzanne de Villeneuve and
Jean-Marie Leprince de Beaumont in gratitude
for a deeply beautiful fairy tale, much misunderstood-except by Cocteau! ]

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