Matthew Holloway Poems

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The Swallow

The swallow
A swallow sings for thee
beside the river in the rain

On Sighting A Sunny Day

On sighting a sunny day
Mad dogs rove in the midday sun
they used to say the same of the English man

A Summers Night

We await the promise of summer
in anxious anticipation
eyes cast out across the gardens
planning, plotting rows of flowers

Odds Uneven

I am not at odds with the world
nor is it at odds with me
I often tend be elsewhere
writing upon a different page

Poets Peace

Like from an open wound
I have bled poetry
the essence of who I am
remains upon the page

Post Poetic Reflections

The perhaps, the possibilities
the endless lines, which could have been
the re-write that never was
a self critic bemoans

Notes On The Blossom Tree

I sit amid a silent pause
where words flow not into thought
to verse a prose is due
still, still the page does await

A New Day

A morning sky
drew in charcoal
and framed by the window
listless in the early hour


I named my cat after a poet
that I would love it
the name also suited well
Sylvia my little angel

On Many A Duel

The artist creates
for celebration and joy
to express and share
a beautiful vision

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