Matthew Holloway Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Old Angel Falls

Somewhere amongst the loftiest mountains
Along a less trodden path
You may find the lost angel falls
Where trees climb cliff faces

Laughter And Spice

Laughter is the best medicine
Or so the old proverb goes
It's music to the soul
A must for young and old


The mewing, the purr
The birds head left at the door
A cats love is fraught

Boxing Day

Let the sales wait
stay at home with family
talk to friends over a drink
perhaps share a meal

My Great Britain

This island, this home
which has weathered storms
invasions through history
Boudica the first queen

An Atheist At Christmas

So we may not believe
in the story of the festivities
but we play along
to fit in with the crowd

To A Girl I Do Not Know

You to me are beautiful
Like the budding flower
Amongst the mornings dew
Found in winters departure

Confession Of Love 1

I wish to find a way
To express myself
In person to you
I know I fail so often

To The One That Got Away

To the one that got away
my heart once sang of you
I courted every moment
when we could be together

Insomnia Strikes

Insomnia strikes again
Unlike lighting it hits multiple times
Leaving the woken soul
Staring up into the dark

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