Matthew Prior Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Songs Set To Music: 22. Set By Mr. De Fesch

In vain, alas! poor Strephon tries
To ease his tortured breast,
Since Amoret the cure denies,
And makes his pain a jest.

The Thief And Cordelier. A Ballad

Who has e'er been at Paris must needs know the Greve,

Songs Set To Music: 3. Set By Mr. De Fesch

Strephonetta, why d'ye fly me,
With such rigour in your eyes:
Oh! 'tis cruel to deny me,
Since your charms I so much prize.

Songs Set To Music: 6. Set By Mr. Smith

Phillis, since we have both been kind,
And of each other had our fill,
Tell me what pleasure you can find

The Female Phaeton

Thus Kitty, beautiful and young,
And wild as colt untamed,
Bespoke the fair from whence she sprung,
With little rage inflamed.

Lisetta's Reply

Sure Cloe Just, and Cloe Fair
Deserves to be Your only Care:
But when You and She to-day
Far into the Wood did stray,

Songs Set To Music: 15. Set By Mr. De Fesch

Farewell, Amynta, we must part;
The charm has lost its power
Which held so fast my captived heart
Until this fatal hour.

Carmen Seculare. For The Year 1700. To The King

Thy elder Look, Great Janus, cast
Into the long Records of Ages past:
Review the Years in fairest Action drest

For My Own Monument

AS doctors give physic by way of prevention,
   Mat, alive and in health, of his tombstone took care;
For delays are unsafe, and his pious intention
   May haply be never fulfill'd by his heir.

The Nut-Brown Maid. A Poem.

Be it right or wrong, these men among
On women do complayne;
Affyrmynge this, how that it is

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