Maurice Harris Poems

Hit Title Date Added
My Friend, Freedom

</></></>It is represented by the Stars and Stripes,
The American Bald Eagle, and all types
Of other things, too numerous to mention;
It is invaluable, but it is no sort of invention;

A Life, Lived Alone

</></>What good is a life, lived alone,
With no one to share the adventure?
This is a 'failure', for which I need to atone;
But, I will not assent, until I am sure

Freedom Years

</></>As the day draws near to my Freedom's reprise,
Oft-lost am I in thought, as I surmise
The wonder of the great and boundless skies,
Under which the majestic American Bald Eagle flies!

On A Clear Day, I Can See Forever

On a clear day, I can see forever-
But forever is ne'er more near
Than when I think of you and I together,
As we would be, if I lived in a world sans fear;

A Blank Canvas

</>The many years I have lived without your embrace
Should suffice as penance, so that you may face
The prospect of forgiveness, vis-a-vis my once-held fears
That cost us a life together, while gifting only tears!


</></>Whenever your heart avails itself of me;
This is the time that you shall know I am ready!
Whenever you are prime, to accept my undying devotion-
This is when you should embrace the foreign emotion

Quintessential Compeer

</></>I know not, what the future may hold-
Yet, of mine ardor, thou may be assured;
Mine everlasting affinity, thine charms have cajoled;
I offer thee mine heart, hitherto e'er-coffered!

Scars May Fade

</></></>With an eye to the future, I must accept my past;
Lessons learned tragically will ensure they last,
That I may never forget what now is most prescient;
Though scars may fade, my anguish remains, extant

My Moribund Heart

</></>My moribund heart dies more every day;
You are the mate for my soul, in every way
That I may imagine, or aspire-
You fulfill my every eartly desire!

The Unknown Reality Of Beautiful Imperfection

</>You and your Sister are perfect,
Though I do not want you to stay that way.
You are made to be through your absence, which I wish to correct;
My heart has been scarred since that day

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