Maurice Harris Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Truism Sonnet

Truisms become truth, as justice become adjudication;
Knowledge becomes reality, and reality, life's education!
My heart has stopped beating since 2007, that Veteran's Day;
Ached has it since, more than I could ever say!

Indominable Spirit

Indominable spirit had we, within our relation-
As though the Fates had destined our revelation!
Beautiful vision, glorious notion; breadth and depth of largest ocean!
As if were we, transfixed as one, by an enduring potion!

Most Awe-Inspiring Of Romances

Misunderstood, from a misunderstanding, Alas
Here though I am, for your scrutiny, yet, through glass;
Present for your perusal, for your edification-
Alone am I here, awaiting my life's justification!

The Plausibility Of Illogic, Inherent

All rallying around the cause, may take but a pause;
Think most, must they, about 'innocence clause'!
Alone you must now be in your fraudulent belief-
Making you now guilty, as an affection thief!

Nary Does A Night Pass

That Day! That fateful, tragic day in November!
Ne'er shall I forget, cursed I am to always remember!
Only but one thing did you accomplish on that day-
To usher the best Father our children will have, away!

Oft Have I Pondered

Oft have I pondered upon how I might love, truly;
Might I need to search or might it present itself, duly! ?
This quixotic quest, many surely are they, requisites;
Many times I've fancied her, each time she, exquisite!

Your Heart Could Never Conceive

Do you ever look in the mirror and see your shame?
Do you stop ever assessing it, and take the blame?
Do you ever take responsibility for the acts you have taken-
For the falsity created, or the love you've forsaken?

A Love: Tested By The Faith Of All Men

Walk with me, hold my hand, be for me my friend!
Last it shall, more than all else, until our life doth end!
Forget might you then how you really feel-
Allow me then, your heart, to once again steal!

Return To The Glory We Shared

When will this nightmare and be complete?
When shall I be able to rest, off my weary feet?
Why does my heart ache so, as though it did break?
How long does it go on, thaqt your love does forsake! ?

What Makes A Coward?

What makes a coward? Is it someone who hides
Behind the mask of fear? Is it one who rides
The wave of hysteria for all it is worth?
When does it cease, to be afraid, is it inherent at birth?

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