MBJ Pancras

MBJ Pancras Poems

Chapter 1
What profit man hath
All labored under the sun?
For, it's vanity.


Blossom fully-grown.
The way of life, hot and dry,

She's an angel of my heart,
All her ways are simple and silent,
Nature's gift of God is she
Dawn of serenity with patience is she,

From Everlasting to Everlasting He exists,
From Eternity to Eternity He dwells.
Where is the Eternity?
When did the Eternity begin?

(On the Occasion of Suzanna Christy's Seventeenth Birthday on 08th September 2020)

Thou, a Gift of God, grew in the womb of thy mother,

The drama begins with the straightening of dog's tail,
The driver drives on the road of air,
The cucumber begins to grow on the apple tree,
The citizens are forced to lose their lives.

Twists of life raise pangs within,
Reality takes multiple entanglements,
Dreams rush beyond the boundaries,
Tender touches turn to striking thunderbolts.

‘One among the twelve, here I am before thee,
My friend, Lucifer, the brightest of the bright,
Once shining in the firmament ‘midst the Holy One.
Thou wert offered a place for thee, and thou the ruler

right from gravity
it passes thro' caliphers;
decides momentum.

Nature's lullaby
sung into the ears of clouds
dancing in fancy

Dramatic Monologue
Fragrant Thorns
(Solitary Chamber. Heart breaking melodious music is flowing silently. Young Ren is looking pale, soliloquizing.)
Young Ren: Sweet Flance!

MBJ Pancras Biography

A Retired Post Graduate Teacher in English in a Government School in India. A creative writer. Published some books on Grammar. Extending writing.63 years old. Martial Artist Karate- -Shito Ryo, Kabbadi, Dramatics, Choreographer, Western Classical Music, Playing Harmonica, and Key Board, Acting, singing, etc. Married to Christina Martin, and having a daughter Suzanna Christy Maria Patricia.)

The Best Poem Of MBJ Pancras

A Ray Of Light

A ray of hope sent,
No more darkness in one's life, ( Haiku)
Full of smiles and joy.

MBJ Pancras Comments

MBJ Pancras Quotes

Drought enters the man of vain glory, who seeks prosperity in the waste land.

Taglines for Online Learning…. 1. Bridging the mind of human and of the Internet…. 2. A vogue of learning with the Internet! 3. Internet Learning - - a tool of increase of knowledge! 4. On Line Learning - - A step to intelligent future! 5. A miracle of access of learning beyond the four walls! 6. On Line Learning is the proven Theory of Relativity - - mind and knowledge inseparable! 7. On Line Learning - - ushering in the era of intelligence…. 8. A breakthrough into the future of knowledge! 9. A transformation from physical to virtual galactic arena of knowledge! 10. Entering the galaxy of intelligence through the door of the Internet…. 11. Stepping into the space of gen with the aid of the Internet…. 12. Knowledge is everywhere! Catch it virtually! Share it effectively! 13. Sit before the Internet! Click a button! Step into the expanse of data! Encrypt the stored files! 14. Fly virtually with the speed of the Internet! Weigh your knowledge with the speed of your mind! 15. A tender shoot from the ground reaching the sky-high top of the world with the magic of the Internet! 16. A new wave of learning has begun! Sail along the current of the wave! The Internet - - your friend is waiting! 17. Beyond the four walls, across the horizons, Walk in the space! A virtual interaction you will feel! 18. No papers, no black boards, no rigidity; but only virtual transaction of knowledge…. 19. Tired of monotonous learning! Enter the virtual field! Discover diverse pathways to acquire knowledge! 20. Click a button! Enter the virtual world! Travel around the space! Reach the corner of knowledge! 21. Enter the new realm of learning! Walk along the virtual path! Discover new dimensions of life! 22. Explore the depth of knowledge with nose-dive deep into the ocean of space just with a click of button! 23. Be immersed in the sea of the Internet! Saturate yourself into the fountain of knowledge! Virtual learning is possible with you! 24. Steer the rudder of the Internet! Walk in the space of facts! Measure the depth of your knowledge! 25. Set time! Click the button! Transmit your queries across the space! Reach your guide! Enjoy the interaction! 26. Enter the multi-dimensional virtual school room! Learn the magic of the space! Be enriched with the interactive learning. 27. A dream comes true! Learning beyond the school room is possible! 28. Science of the Internet has paved a new way of learning! A gateway into the virtual reality! 29. A physical school room is turned to a virtual school room! Count the buttons! 30. While clicking the mouse of your computer, you will knock the door of knowledge.

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