Medusa Waves Poems

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A Dream I Had

I’M sure I saw the pigs flying from the sewer last night,
They held in their snouts all my investments-all my dreams and life savings
I wasn’t high, I remember the old doctor pricking my fingertips and all was a blur
I saw him laugh wildly as he tore my stomach apart

A New Baby

Out of you, popped out a child, and you said,
‘How beautiful is this child, such a beautiful baby, looks just like me! ’
Through it, you live your second life, a second opportunity, a second chance to mistakes.
‘Shes so graceful, she could be a model! She looks just like me.’

For A Woman, Whose Beauty I Admire

Her visage is the harvest moon with rose petals, unfurled, into soft red lips and the autumn foliage adorns her head.
She’s the October sky, with all the multi-colored pinks and oranges kissed upon her cheeks
Beauty like hers is of memory, it’s of past times, engraved on marble someplace off shore
Beauty like hers is gone and missed, it’s gone with all the goddesses of past myths, and it’s gone with all the woodland nymphs- that lived before our time.

For Ry-

You ask me what sustains my eyes while my heart becomes a senseless whirl
I cannot help but smile at the slightest thought of him,
He is the living autumn-multi colored facets of beauty like the fallen leaves and those that linger on branches
His eyes are envied by the lune rouge, envied by the setting sun, for their color always remain the hue of bright amber

Nothing Is Forever

Wherever I may stray, far and miles away, you’re the ocean that beckons me to shore
Wherever you may root-amoung mountains, along bays, I’ll always help you grow
Nothing is permanent, nothing is infinite, no being-however small or large- exists forever
With you, time dissolves, and the words for endings, have no meaning

In Autumn

In this hole of mine, in this abyss of pain
You fill it, fill it with all the stars and skies
Skies of lilies, lilacs, and lavenders
When your eyes meet mine, shy as I can be


no voy a olvidar la primera vez que vi tu sonrisa
que iluminó mi alma y yo sabía que algo en ti era distinto cualquier ser
en ese momento, todo lo que sabía era la oscuridad, y nunca vi pasado que saber
Cada encuentro que tuve con usted encendió algo en mí, nunca me imaginé que estaría aquí


Drown me in your sea, you’ll find me sinking deep below the currents, into the sand
Ill imagine you have always been here, like I have always been here, I have lived in many seas
I can become someone I never knew, someone you never knew, and tentacles will grow
Limb by limb, I become the kraken you fear in the blackness of the seas.

Some Soul To Fill Me

How we need another soul to cling to, something to make us feel alive
Feeling so vacant, not knowing why
The moon used to fill me, the immense sky too
How I need someone to fill me, fill me and make me feel alive

Kat's Poem

You sit with me and I find peace
I am in love with something beyond the limitations of the eye
Something in you that makes the cold air feel rosy
In my eyes you are the first star in the night, you preserve past all troubles and shine brightest

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