Medusa Waves Poems

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Who's In The Kitchen?

Theres a light slithering thru my bedroom door
sneaky like a snake
I feel a chill begin upward
and helplessy, i shake

-why Love?

Why do people weep when lovers leave-?
Though it’s something we all achieve-
I don’t understand the tears falling from the eye
I don’t understand why people cry-

#92 (Spanish/English: Te Neccesito)

La noche, a tu lado, es lleno de joyas-que sin ti no podrían a vivir
La noche, sin tu lado, es vacía y triste, con mil lagrimas que sin ti me llueven
El viento nos junte, las dos bailamos, la danza de la tierra
El viento, me tiembla, sin ti es frio y la tierra es dura

#91 (For Mother)

I understand your reasons for your departure
Its as simple as the reasons for your stay
Yet you chose the first, for a hopeful change
Yes a change that choice has made

#90 (The Furnance..)

the furnace that once burned bright in the core of my soul
no longer burns light, yet is hindered with coal
my body is vacant, an empty old sack
strings attached to handles now embed my bent back

To A Dear Friend,

What makes the sun beam bright, the sunlight shine-your smile
what makes the roses bloom, the roses redden as if blushing-your beauty
what makes the tree's leaves dance, dancing in the wind-they do when you pass by
what makes the birds sing-they stop quietly and sing to your melodious laugh

Lady From Foam

The day grew old and pail and frail
to see you standing there and there
your beauty stole my eyes away
your are the vision of the day

#88-To All

Dreaming of angels and poppies was never my style
The laughs and the chatter-and the red-pouted smile
No stars were needed to help me see,
No roses weeded to bring me to ease


the look of beauty is judged by many eyes
a woman hides her fatigued eyes with black lines
she puts a blush, where there is none, but a pale smile
she make believes to be someone who knows all about style

When This Love Was Innocent.

The trees had sprits that brought us together as we walked an open path
The stones, and pebbles had meaningful shaped that we each took to heart
The water seemed glimmered by the moonlight that lit our night
When this love was innocent-unharmed by the primitive temptations..

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