Michael Olakunle Adesanya Poems

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Let Me Cherish

I'm not begging you to love me.
I'm not really even asking you.
But, isn't it right
if I cherish that hope in my heart?

All In Your Own Way

You came to my life
and touched my heart,
in your own mysterious way.
You brought me smiles,

Sweet Memory

Come sit with me
before my time has passed
we’ll makes those wonderful memories
that will forever last.

My Life.

Fading away like the stars of the morning
Gaining my light in the glorious sun
I will pass from the earth and it's toiling
Only remembered by what i have done.

My Reasons

I may never see tomorrow
there's no written guarantee
And things that happen yesterday
Belong to history

The Be Attitudes

Be understanding to your Perceived enemies
Be loyal to your friends
Be strong enough to face the World each day
Be weak enough to know you cannot

His Coming

This strange feeling of mine,
Has brought the star close to me,
All day as I walk in the midst,
Of the holies of holies I pray;

Someone Told Me Once...

Someone told me once
Wishes don't come true
Dreams are always bad
Good days always few

'My Love Is Forever'

I long for your kiss,
your warm, tender embrace,
the way our eyes will meet
the first time I lay eyes on you.

Confuse I Am

Sitting here with the birds
blow by force of nature
How could this be
I'm here with a flower

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