Michael P. Johnson Poems

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It’s Not All Easy

It’s hard to choose which church to go
All claim to have The Light
They all profess The Truth to know
Yet all, can not be right

Life’s Trials

Because of trials, God’s children fall
With eyes to truth still blind
Thinking in church they’ve left them all
With sin and shame behind

Who Seek A Place

To worship God, I seek a place
A church on Zion hill
Where just as Moses face to face
They seek The Father’s will

Surprise! Surprise!

The bible tells us crystal clear
When we in Christ take wing
We’ll leave behind this world of fear –Rev.22: 14
For us; has death no sting –1Co.15: 55

Beat The Drum (1)

Through Christ His Son we hear God’s call
His call to you and I
Where disobedience brings to fall
Through foolishness we die

Obedience Love And Faith

The things we feel the things we see
The truth Christ had to tell
Continues yet to set us free
From chains and endless hell

Step Out In Faith

Some seek God’s face both night and day
For months and even years
They’ll kneel and pray and pray and pray
With heart and soul in tears

Sucking Damnation’s Breast

The world wants all her eyes can see
When full she’ll seek for more
Yet nothing found can set her free
Nor close death’s gaping jaw

Some Fail To Understand

Some fail as yet to understand
Some can’t believe God’s Son
Some question God’s almighty hand
Still blind to all He’s done

To Ride The Wind (2)

Through blood refined, I’ve no more doubt
Though much of self must die
Alone, I’d live a life of drought
And like a desert, dry!

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