Michael P. Johnson Poems

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Shadows Revealed (2)

Our risen Lord is heard and seen –1Co.15: 4-8
Throughout the book of life –Jn.8: 58
A shadow but to Jesus’ queen –Lk.8: 10
The church His faithful wife

Creation's Still Groaning

Mankind behaved like wayward fools
Whilst having all and more
We failed to keep creation’s rules
So Heaven closed the door

Best Keep Our Vows

Giving and taking wilful hands
Before God’s throne we bow
To place on fingers golden bands
As symbols of a vow

Selfrighteous! Me?

Me go to church would be in vain!
There’s nothing more to see
At home I’ve so much more to gain
The church has nought for me

God's Holy Nation

Our world at large seems cursed with wars
Distressed she writhes in pain
Her sinful brood bears open sores
Though lust for selfish gain

Follow The Lamb

A Shepherd raised a flock of sheep
He tends them day and night
His love for them is true and deep
He keeps them all in sight

The Church Of Man (2)

The church of Christ is often small
No roof to call her own
But there Her Shepherd’s heard the call
And lives to Christ alone

The Church Of Man (1)

Some go to church and life is fine
They treat their neighbours well
They eat the bread they drink the wine
Still on the road to hell

He'Ll Set The World On Fire

Who hears the heart and soul of man
Who sees what each contains
Who knows what night and day we plan
What time for us remains

I'M Lame Not Dead (1)

Though lame I sit within my chair
With pain in bed I lie
Through Jesus love and tender care
I’ve ceased to wonder why

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