Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
0176 Letter To A Well-Known Contemporary Poet

I wanted to write to you about your poems,
that is, about something I couldn't quite put my finger on
so I didn't write in case it sounded inconsequential
and it's silly to write to a poet who handles words so expertly,

0412 Their World

It's a sepia photograph, taken, I'm guessing,
1900,1910? The whole of it is taken up by
a crowd on the move, passing the photographer,
who could be, say, clinging to a lamp-post, or on a balcony.

0325 Hip Hippie Hooray

Website, Spider Style

Do spiders think? or simply learn
without a thought (well, lucky them)
by observation, as great scientists?
Does Nature do it all without a 'thought',

First American Haiku

0012 The House Of Metaphor

After you’ve negotiated that artfully-conceived
sharp elbow bend in the long, grand drive
through the fields of its estate,
and it hoves into view,

Thoughts On World Poetry

To coin a metaphor:

It's like a Protestant
wandering into a Catholic church

One For Andy

Loved your poem about those
carefully-prepared but slightly
mis-timed, Famous Last W...

0396 The Almost Unknown Language

I like to think that
there's a language
which is unspoken, unwritten

! In The Spirit Of Rumi - 24

‘O My Beloved,

Only when I am close to You
is the world in perfect order, and

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