Michael Shepherd Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pushing Up The Daisies

Suppose that in the graveyards of our grief,
so still and silent, frozen by our tears,
those corpses, by some heavenly alchemy
pushed up, not only daisies, but new flowers

0024 Horses In A Field

They seem to be thinking, soft-eyed, snuffling, cropping,
ears awake to many signals,
then move gently closer,
as if they were unaware,

! ! Quest And Question

To ask a question beyond answering
may seem to some to be a waste of mind..
and yet it may advance some reasoning,
thus, other questions, real answers find:

0331 How To Wait Doggedly

I’ve never seen him just like this before.

Crouched at the entrance to the largest run,
the burrowed-out soil in front of it

0007 Holding The World

and there’s this alleyway
and a passage, then a door,
ordinary, but
the pavement in front of it

! The Dark Night Of The Soul 2

Everything’s going well,
you seem to have everything arranged
as you like it: you glance into
the banqueting hall, the chandelier

! Muslims And Christians

In the deepest deeps of the human heart,
what separates Christian and Muslim,
Islam and Christianity?

! ! Dem Postal Non-Delivery Blue-Hoos..

! ! Metaphor.

Like the unicorn,
they have to need to be;
to hear our need for them to be.

! ! A Tribute To The Bbc 'Young Musician Of 2008'

This is what love
sounds like. This
is how you know
the heart is only ever one.

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